Fattenborg is a unique archaeological site. When the ice sheet began to retreat 10,000 years ago, people followed in its wake. Four thousand years ago, people lived in Fattenborg, by a bay, today 45 meters above sea level. Even today you can see the outline across the bay. The peaceful place tells about the coast's very old and until now rather unknown history. You feel that you are on historic ground.
In Fattenborg there are several graves, settlement mounds and trap pits. Shards of stone, red ocher, burnt bones of wolf, seal and fish have been found. One of the settlement mounds is the largest known so far in Scandinavia. . Sami settlements from the 17th-18th centuries have also been found.
The area is adapted for disabled people with ramps out to settlement walls and graves. Along the spans there are information signs about the ancient remains.