The cabin farm...
The cabin farm
The homestead area in Töre with Hyttgården and associated buildings.
So it started..
In connection with the closure of Törefors AB in the late 1950s, the Hyttgården was donated to Töre village to be used as a homestead. The cabin was renovated to its current design in 1972 with a museum, assembly hall, workers' housing and a smaller residential apartment that is today used as a staff room. The Hembygdsföreningen is formed
Töre Hembygdsförening was founded in 1969 and through mostly voluntary efforts has managed to create many businesses/activities during just over 40 years of operation. A number of houses connected to the mill have been moved to the homestead area. Hembygdsföreningen has bought and renovated the masmästar residence, the old school - which is the municipality's oldest - has been moved to the place where Törefors mill's own school stood in the 1850s. Töre village men who own part of the land have on several occasions donated plot of land to the home village association where, in addition to the Hyttgården, also the master's house, his carpenter's shed, his baker's cottage, miner Quensel's härbre from Johannesro, wholesaler Jonsson's warehouse and the already mentioned old school.
This is how the buildings are used
The Hembygdsmuseet's two rooms housed in the Hyttgården have iron handling as their main theme, but sawmills and the maritime era are also represented. A former residential part/apartment for bar iron smiths shows how people lived in the 19th century.
The cabin's attic is furnished with a meeting room and a substantial kitchen, which is used extensively for gatherings of various kinds.
Masmästar Eriksson lived with his family when he came to Töre in 1773 to build and run the blast furnace, which was in operation between 1875 and 1888. The building hosts a summer café, sale of handicrafts and conference activities.
The baker's hut and the carpenter's shed come from mason Eriksson's residence. Necessary maintenance work and furniture renovations are carried out in the carpentry shed. The baker's cottage is built together with the carpenter's shed and was originally a residential building for the landless - so-called "inhouses". The baker's hut is rented out in spring and autumn and is used extensively for baking claddda etc. for the summer parties.
Bergmäaster Quensels härbre is one of Norrbotten's largest with two rooms on the lower floor and a large attic room. The goal is to use härbret as a summer museum.
Groshandlare Jonsson's warehouse is currently used as a warehouse.